Daytona Splendor

Have you been ignoring Tristan Thompson’s contributions?

I could not fucking believe they did that.

They sprung this news on LeBron in the postgame interview (which is a gross thing to do) and he choked up on live TV. Obviously Pop is loved in the NBA community and I suspect a whole lot of players knew Erin and cared about her as well. I’m sure Pop will receive an absolute outpouring of sympathy, both publicly and

I have to assume that the NHL, as a multi-billion dollar concern, has some say over who can advertise on their broadcasts.

I have to say it’s weird that you’re definitely real girlfriend from Canada is so invested in American politics.

What I don’t understand is why the NHL would think their audience is right for an ad defending a bumbling grifter of a chief executive.

Will Tom Brady Sit, Stay, or Play Ball?

Um, Marlins Man did it, so by definition every Marlins fan could.

He should have stuck with fencing.

This is exactly the problem. If Trump had been elected sooner, it would have been an American whipping Salka’s ass.

It pains me to do this(it really doesn’t, i thrive on this) but that’s not a one-timer.

“Cora, the guy he had yelled at, was being ‘pretty unprofessional.’ “

Okay, I had to Clap.

Maybe he thought the Ankle Monitor would have a “zeroing” method to adjust to his base BAC. Then when he was at .08, it would show -.32!!

Just making some boils. Purdue man through and through.

Vets are cool till you have to reimburse them for the services they provided you.

Wow, you really can see a long way when you are up in the mountains.

Ugh. What kind of Mickey Mouse operation is ESPN running?

I wouldn’t have to tell them if they didn’t always interrupt me while I’m jerking off.

It’s a perfectly clear beverage reference.