
What? The orange and black dials are awesome you shut your dirty mouth.

A less successful effort.

Payback for that bullshit diet-version E36 M3 we got.


That’s not even fair.

go back to high school bro

Dude, I don’t know anything as far as, all-wheel drive. Like, what are our F-150s?

The Fiesta driver was just demonstrating that they are ready for the Ferrari Challenge series.

Nobody attacks my hearth and gets away with it. *readies skillet*

Not near your PS4? This can be setup through the PS app on iOS and Android.

Holy crap. I’m impressed.

Disappointed? Because they didn’t ruin his life over a victimless crime. Reminds me of every time I’m disappointed over the slap on the wrist almost every Police Officer gets when he commits a crime that otherwise would result in you or I spending serious time in a cage.

The rejection letters are sent to [Accepted Applicant]. Step up your game.

Some people have way too much time on their hands. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to get back to drinking my gin and tonic and commenting on internet articles.


Musings and drivel incoming:

You never had to.