d3c509b aka Steve

I am SHOCKED that $60k small crossovers are prevalent, and that the median car price is around $45k now in the the US. the last car I bought coincidentally was a Volvo C30 for $34k; and that was “high Luxury” after I got my first Engineering job. Inflation and all that, but damn cars are EXPENSIVE, but it’s what the

P1 Platform Bros! 2009 C30. Although I had a shit ton of problems early on with everything from door lucks, window seals, HVAC, Fuel Pump, O2 sensors, AC compressor, wheel corrosion, AC Condenser Leaks, alignment and more. But she has gotten a lot of attention in the last 13 years

super late to this, my bigger point was specifically for EVs. i.e. EV range and energy density is growing quickly. a 2021 Mach E for example is going to look old fashioned by whatever 2025 new model drops. ICE innovation is obviously slowed, so a better “buy” vs “lease”.

I also just started Gamepass for PC; mostly to play the Destiny 2 Beyond Light content + Back 4 Blood with friends. An absolutely STEAL at $10 a month, and almost feels like I’m cheating somehow. Especially with games that I may not have really spent time/money on otherwise (Marvel’s Avengers for example). But now my

Monetization in gaming has been shifting and frankly I don’t know where it will end up. I think there will continue to be many different options; digital, physical, subscription, streaming, DLCs, etc. If you have an awesome IP people will gladly pay for solid content, but getting that balance just right it seems the

Welcome to Detroit! Also, name checks out! Perhaps the most biblically legendary car-road in America?

from Detroit, want to die. Is this not normal?

right; https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/business/toyota-production-chip-shortage.html

this is the issue, people with low incomes being locked into an 84 month loan is not good. Especially people with unstable jobs, or health. I’m with you, especially these days when planning for the future is a huge challenge. 7 years from now is 2028, that’s insanely far out to me. 

for the big jobs getting it delivered is SO MUCH easier. I don’t understand why people will buy a massive truck to haul once per year. we had one ton of landscaping rocks delivered to our easement for $29... loading and unloading that in the back of an F150 would be a nightmare

no questions, however $58,750 is a lot of money. Isn’t that about the median annual income in the US? Curious about super-long term loans on electric cars. The technology is moving so fast, in 2026 a 2021 is going to very outdated

same, that brightness is really winning me over. Want to see some outside side by side footage. 

laziness of efficiency? Don’t get me wrong auto industry makes mistakes but, the real problem is often much more complicated than it looks from the outside

Thank you for this great follow up! I saw the Intel comment mentioned on Jalopnik and as an auto engineer did a hard face palm and kept scrolling. Everyone usually under estimates problems other industries face, when the truth is usually much more complicated than “just make it like this”

I think this is a good price, these are becoming collectors item here in SE MI area not sure if links work but this is a local 3.8L firebird asking $13k. https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/ctd/d/redford-1999-pontiac-firebird-base-2dr/7387545333.html

I love your username because its totally true, I absolutely still love cars and even work in the auto industry, go to car shows, drag strips, etc. But man cars are just a depreciating and dangerous asset. But luckily the world is a big place and room for plenty of opinions!

I think I’m an outlier, I’ve always loved cars but now I almost never drive. I’ve tried to arrange all my trips to be local / bikeable / scooterable. The idea of buying a car just seems so much of a PITA (and a money sink). I’m actually kinda bummed, but cars are so expensive to maintain and upkeep, I’d love to just

not sure on Deathloop, but the 8GB VRAM on the RTX 3070 can be a limitation on many games, especially when using DLSS 2.0 and/or 4K with High res textures. Doom Eternal will give errors, Control will fail to load textures, etc. As a 3070 owner who plays 4k/60, on the lookout for a decent 3080 to swap

does the Trax (and related family) do well though? Kind of surprised on Ecosport. Anecdotally I see a lot of Trax / Trailblazer / Encore locally

was thinking this same thing, deep combos / toss ups / etc; along with a really rich narrative, that should be enough?