
What idiotic commentary. Forget the BMW comment, why would they talk about using their car to block them or brake-check them? Do they realize that these guys stole a car and are evading police? People like that are occasionally, umm, armed???

Once I have a garage and an open place to practice I’d be into giving it a try. I like things like stunt and trials. Really hard really interesting, you fall a lot but when you do you’re not going 90mph at a tree.

> Wheelie Bar

I know, we actually had guys that were “embarrassed” to be on a 125. These are the guys who bought 600cc and 1000cc bikes and had never ridden a day in their lives. They all laughed and made fun of the Ninja 300 I had at the time.

The Advanced courses? Yea, there’s value there. BTDT.

Ok, cool. Dirt people do that on bikes with a recluse clutch sometimes. Makes a lot of sense. I’d just never to it because I know I’d get really used to it, get on a normal bike, forget and... well you know how that story ends.

This is why newer riders shouldn’t be on such unforgiving bikes. No matter what, throttling on/off is bad mid-corner, but I bet on a less race-oriented bike it may not have resulted in a crash

If you can dodge an RPG, you can dodge a trailer hitch.

As a tax payer: WTF, don’t throw away my money to make a point and to act all badass

I have to say as an NYC rider/commuter who rides within the law and with courtesy (who also puts up with a lot of shit and near misses from cars daily), the NYPD has been out in full force harassing ALL 2 wheel riders the past couple months.

Wait. Lemme get this right here.

And the message is that we are too stupid to sell them at auction to recoup the money that taxpayers spent on apprehending the criminals and impounding their machines. We will just throw that money down the drain to make a statement of questionable value.

I’ve stopped doubting anything Christian says at this point. Somehow 100 employees with an autoclave in a repurposed hanger are able to consistently do what no other car company is attempting.

Communism huh? You don’t know much do you.

And how, pray tell, did you come to the conclusion that Bernie is a communist?

Except, he’s not a communist. So there’s that.

Whoa I've never been this early to a Doug post. What do I write?

Not the same thing, so not sure where the confusion is.

You must’ve been sleeping when the NSX, Africa Twin, and Civic TypeR were released. Good morning! :)