Man, I recognize so many of those spots! Good write-up, but I prefer to do it this way...
Man, I recognize so many of those spots! Good write-up, but I prefer to do it this way...
I think your picture upload messed’s showing a Cadillac?
You can be the best driver in the worlds but if the car in front of you is not moving forward and the one behind you in there’s nothing you can do... better to just avoid as many drivers as you can. If you’re on a road with 3 other cars chances are all the drivers are good drivers... 10000 people on the road and…
very good call on the choosing time of travel. I can leave work at 5 and take 6 hours to get north or I can leave at 8 and take 3. I get the same time either way but one way is 6 hrs of traffic and angry people cutting eachother off.
It’s not education, it’s culture. Germans have a very regimented, disciplined culture. They follow the rules and are generally responsible; it’s been bred into them for generations... Americans are basically the opposite.
But..but... I read it on facebook! Just another socialist tactic of ol’ obummer, Next you’re going to try to tell me that jade helm isn’t the UN’s plan to take our guns and put us in closed Wal-Mart concentration camps. These colors don’t bleed! Don’t tread on me! Chemtrails! Aaarrgghhh
dirty diapers stuffed in McDonalds bags alongside half eaten cheeseburgers in the trunk
I can understand the hate for the street car, even if I think it's unfounded. However hating on the racecar seems a bit obtuse because, you know, racecar.
Yeah screw those guys for building a decent entry lux car and then making a neat racecar out of it. LAAAAMEEEE.
That's a sharp ass racecar
The problem is your driving ability, not the tires or drivetrain configuration.
This has YAW control and torque vectoring AWD that the STI does not.
Can it be used? If so,....
This is why we can't have nice things.
Sorry. It might feel like that to you, but you are WAY off.