
Lighten up? We should accept some dick head lawmaker openly bragging to a cop about how often he drives at excessive speed because he has immunity?

It’s not that. It’s the above the law attitude he has. We’re not really mad at the speeding (we’re not NOT mad at it though) we’re mad that someone that puts laws on the books (or has a role in it) acts as though THEY are ABOVE those laws. Whether they are or aren’t isn’t the question... it’s about their demeanor.

“An SEC tip is an formal whistleblower.....”

As a Napa parts counterman, what we’ll get is: 

Challenge accepted. After having taken the LA Metro Blue line, anything seems safe and orderly by comparison.

Yes, yes, Mr. Spandex. We know it’s not a “real” bike and that everyone isn’t as good as you.

Well? We are waiting!

Far too big to be put on any nineties car without ruining the handling. Plus no four stud option. Another poser wheel for people who like their cars to be confused by speed bumps.

Whichever motor oil you use, be sure to add when needed.

You won’t get any love on here for a positive comment about a Ford. Jalopniks love to shit on Fords. I’ve had cars of virtually every make over the 35 years I’ve been driving and I swear by them. I’ve run the hell out of them and never had one leave me stranded. Apparently you’re not cool unless you have 3 broken

This is...a pretty good troll-effort, not going to lie.

Someday, and that day may never come, he will call upon you to do a service for him. But until that day, accept those cookies as a gift on his ending work day.

The hottest of takes.

Oh yeah - they’re still out there. Though it does sound like your dealership was especially awful.

And then after you have a child you figure it’s not that big of a deal anyone can do it, and it is very over rated!

I didn’t read the article: the poster

I’m assuming that some Americans out there support this and are short-sighted enough that they’ve forgotten the SUV-pocalypse of the early aughts, when Detroit was puking out pushrod-powered, ladder-framed monstrosities with covered wagon-era suspensions. We couldn’t get enough of those back then, either. I can

A clean 996 works.

No, I am sure it’s good earnest analysis.