
It's about 89% Ad Space. I use to use old copies my sister owned for inappropriate collage projects. Hahaha Quite the little scamp I was...

Get ready for some seriously plagiarized fashion people. #jimbophillips

I thought the music video was super cute and silly, but I guess I'm in the minority here. Also a I'm a newly made Taylor Swift fan so maybe that's why? Might not have the same fan history.... Either my work day just got way more fun because of her.. "play play play"

You're an idiot.

"spit out a litter of kids" o_O .... my brain.. it. hurts.

hahahaha MCFLY??? naw son.. naw

=_=..... *containing rage fest*

good friend! :)

yea, maybe he's really crap in the sack.

For real. No shade to my people, but that bacon is effin' delicious.

I'll take all the rejected pretty boys then. Gimme.

that's nice dear

Really sucks that you had to experience that. It's never fun being pressured by someone, especially a stranger hitting on you. Glad that you're [part of the team though. #empathyhighfive

maybe it's friendship in dog world??

It's weird to say now, but I miss my dog farting on me. The smell was god awful and he always looked so damn surprised when it happens I could never be mad. Sometimes I would have to kick him out of the room just to air out, but at the end of the day he would be my bed buddy. He passed away this year and it's been

UGH AGREED... the test...

haha OH MILEY! *cue 80's sitcome laughter*

What are you talking about?

Seriously. How great would it be if a gang of models just beat the living shit out of him in broad daylight? Just visually even. That would be a great Tarantino scene....

excuse me while steam shoots out of my ears. hummuna hummuna hummuna