
Also, I feel vindicated in my post last week saying that "Blood Must
Have Blood" would've been better served as a two-hour finale, rather
than two, one hour episodes.

The 100 is usually so good at finding the alternative, finding something between the optimal solution imaginable and available.

I was really starting to like her too. I think I overlooked her at first because she came off as timid and weak, especially compared to the other capable badass females on this show. But then these past few episodes, when she really started to put herself in danger by helping the Sky People, I realized that she just

Is this an Emporer's New Groove reference? If so, I fuly support it. That movie rocks.

"Ok. Fine. It's going terrible! I'm a slow reader! And then I get to a comma, and I'm like, 'Oh, I guess they want me to pause.' But for how long?!? How do I know when to stop pausing? I'm never gonna finish this book! Ah!"

I can't believe I was ever worried about her being killed off because of the actress getting that role in the new Walking Dead spinoff.

Garry died at 100.

Favourite line of the series? That's gotta be:

In addition to SNL and Hannibal, Grimm is also mildly entertaining. I gave up on The Blacklist a while ago, which just got to be so much of a chore to get through.

"Guys, Ann's here!"

I thought maybe the joke was gonna be that he died getting run over by a Lexus. Again.

Well, from the amount of times we've seen mayor Gunderson over the course of 7 seasons, does the mayor even do anything? It might as well be retirement.

The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show.


♫ Two birds holdin' hands
So much better than one
We can do anything together
Maybe HAVE A GRANDSON! ♫ (Did Andy predict the future?)

What a perfect send-off.

3 > 7 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 1
(It's really hard to rank them. I mean, obviously 1 was the worst and 3 was arguably the best, but everything in between could just be random. They were all so great. Okay, maybe 6 got a little bumpy, but it was still pretty great.)

Well, my friend. Do I have news for you…

The promo for next week's episode was so eerie. I loved it.