
Did Finn and Murphy have a Freaky Friday moment that I missed? Maybe that's a deleted scene.

Also how sad Linda was when they left.

When is that damn soundtrack coming out? Remember that? It was supposed to be this fall, but fall's almost over.

I think someone below beat me to it, but my favourite Linda part was "STICKERS OF SHAME!"

I think this may be one of those episodes where the people who don't like Andy Samberg won't like the episode. Sepinwall said this was one of those episodes where Jake was incompetent and wouldn't listen to the advice others gave him, but I thought he was handling it well in the beginning by trying to keep everyone

Best cut-to-theme ever.

I forgot that he was in Season 1.

Speaking of Camp Jaha - I could have sworn they landed in the 1st season
pretty adjacent to a large body of water, which seems to have vanished
in the 2nd season when they do area shots. Am I just hallucinating or
willfully missing the super-obvious lake?

I liked Wick. I hope he sticks around. He and Raven had good chemistry that sold the idea that they used to work together (ugh, engineers).

Raven stumbling in that leg-brace, fighting and then learning to work
with the limitations of her body made my eyes tear up a bit there.

Anya to Clarke: "You reek. Here, rub some of this mud on yourself. There, that's better."

Focus on the characters we like, not on Katrina and Hawley.

I have a theory that your favourite episodes of The Simpsons were the ones that were on when you were in high school. For me, that was somewhere around season 12 (which is my favourite).

I will admit it was quite a leap.

I was surprised that Finn killed their Grounder prisoner

Interesting how Bellamy gets to be the voice of restraint in the interrogation this time around. Yay character development!

Oooooh. That's a good theory!


I loved how she basically saved herself in the end by elbowing her ex in the face and grabbing the gun.

Did the Reapers collect the bodies for the Mountain Men, or were they collecting the used bodies to eat. That's the impression that I got. Plus, they have that noise thingy to subdue them. So I don't think they're working together.