Gene was on fire this episode.
Gene was on fire this episode.
I'm not sure what I think of David being alive (and apparently not a good guy, if Victoria is to be believed). But Emily getting Victoria institutionalized? *slow clap*
"Is that a gun?"
"Yeah, it sure is. It's where I keep ma bullets."
"Couples friends are a myth, started by restaurants with tables for four!"
I'm not sure whether it's been discussed before (I only binged this show a couple weeks ago), but I'm 99.9% sure that Abigail is still alive. We never saw Hannibal kill her, nor her dead body, only an ear. My theory is that he only pretended to kill her, like Will pretended to kill Freddie, and that this will come…
See above.
Use < blockquote > … < / blockquote > tags (without the spaces).
Also, what is Isabel's endgame in this?
If it makes you feel any better, I think this was probably my favourite episode. So…
The show just about manages to have Laurel fire an explosive arrow without totally undermining the idea that using a bow requires significant training.
This was one of the many nice character moments / interactions throughout the episode. It seemed like every character got a little moment to shine. It was nice. Probably my favourite episode.
I get that this show is "morally gray." What I'm saying is that this was too gray for my liking. But I still liked the episode!
Can someone tell me where I can buy a ninja hovercraft Lego set?
He's too good for you! AND VICE VERSA!!!
I gotta say that I wasn't a fan of this episode at first. After the reveal that it was Emily who kidnapped Charlotte, I was sorta with Jack on this one. It seemed a little too evil (regardless of what you might think of the character), and I was put off by that. But, boy, did it ever pay off in the end. Those final 20…
That final "face-off" was excellent. The music they played over it was perfect.
"Oh now I'm definitely going to be sick." *barf* "It's okay. No one's gonna know who did that."
It reminded me of when Anna Torv had to play Leonard Nemoy for a few episodes on Fringe.
"She's a murder suspect?"
"Well, not technically a suspect because we know she did it, but…"