
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

This really is the world cup of spam and we’re issuing a red card.

I clicked the little star thing three times just so I could like this comment again

Somewhere, Chuck Schumer is wishing he'd made that joke.

My husband is kind of a genius when it comes to smuggling drugs on airplanes and never tells me when he’s doing it because he knows it will give me a heart attack but the last time we went to Vegas we brought mushrooms (Cirque du Soleil, of course) and weed brownies. So for the mushrooms he emptied out a couple of tea

Oh, Natasha, we get it. You’re still closer to Teen than Exhausted Parent. But trust me this article will come back to haunt you in some way.

whaaaaaat a cunty lady re: that cunty lady.

You know the other “three cases” were 1) a woman who said he inappropriately kissed her at a party (university found him ‘not responsible’), 2) a woman who said he ‘inappropriately followed her upstairs at a party’ (university found him ‘not responsible’), and 3) a gay man who said he sexually assaulted him after this

You should just let people shit all over your reputation and lie about you because of some bigger principle? What is the bigger principle here exactly?

Probably because even if a judge ruled in his favor, he wouldn’t get a lot of money out of a college student. Columbia, however, is another matter entirely.

that worked faster than I expected

Oh come on. The elephant in the room sits there, deliberately neglected.

Any smart, lawyerly-people out there want to give odds on an acquittal or guilty verdict?

Hell, what say you dumb, non-lawyerly people?

I think you mean "laced". I suppose there's a chance that someone could be sold laced weed without knowing it but you could make the same argument about anything. Bad people do bad things. However, the original statement remains true. Weed is safe.

LOL I feel really bad that I laughed so hard at this... cutting weed with other drugs?? Like what exactly? Since you clearly don't have any experience in this area, I'll ask: what would be smokeable at the same temperature and does not betray its presence immediately by sight or by taste? Another question: what would

Just to add my own perspective in as a heavy toker...

Oh please expand on cutting weed down with other drugs. I am dying to hear this.

Do it, everyone will be better for it in the long run.

Is 26 to early to advance to the "no bullshit" phase? Because I'm totally ready to advance to the "no bullshit" phase. People in their 20s SUCK. Flaky bastards.

nah, it's still good on this side, just different. but at least make sure you have a bed frame