D. Sexbang

Correct Taiga

Spend a week just watching TV you say?
No problem.

I don't watch videos for an ear exam, those bleeps are too friggin' loud.

Thankyou, yes.

You forgot that it's US only right now.


Tales of what? Is it just random sounds now?

They probably still eat people though.

But in a differnt way.

They can't cook anything because you have to kindle the fire yourself.

The Daily Kawaiidesu, With John Stewart-Chan.

There's definitely elements of the TJ&E theme in there.

Pretty much my conclusion too.

Haha, he plays wow, haha, that's the joke.
C'mon with that.

Back to playing on your phones, no nerds here.

Maybe not right now, who knows how much more music the show will have?
It seems really early for that kind of merch.

Hitting Brian with a car mini game.

A soundtrack album at 10 episodes in.

For my money this is way cooler.

Looks like a veiny monster, suspiciously so.