D. Sexbang

Looks like it was recorded in Second Life.

This screen is super sketch.

A bee bit my bottom. Now my bottom's big.

It was quite the wiener party.

Also as DLC, pausing, running, talking and graphics.

Gratz on the hot wife/nut pain.

This looks like a feature to me.

Robot football is important for robot sports/robot fitness.

Fox only.
No items.
Final destination.

wwwwwwwww indeed.

In which Anita states the obvious and misses the point, which is what you payed her to do.

Right now it's 3524 vs 1142.

Obviously I understand why the psychos are there, but damn if they aren't always the worst part.

I'm going to need Raini on this, stat.

I shall wait for the box set, hopefully with replica evoker.

They're all going nuts.

I've been enjoying Golden Time much more than I thought I would.

Robot drama is a failure of the game designer.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't come up all that often.