D. Sexbang

If you can play the card game while riding on motorbikes then I'm in.

Plus she appears to be eating a face.

Did blowing on the cartridges actually DO anything? I remember doing it but I don't remember who told me it would help.

Dang pimp.

I feel like I've read this same article a dozen times now.

That said, here are the people I met my first run through:

Better challenge: Who wins in a fight between those 5 supermen?

All terrible, also bad logos.
Did the FF graphics people just give up on this like they did the game?

That's fine, they can have that.


Play it sideways.

Help, help, I'm being repressed.

I assume those arrows say "dark eyes, no skin, 6/10 would not be eaten by".

Am I seeing a lot of CG in there?

Praise the sun, that wasn't bad.

You little wonder.

This is a woman's comment.

Nothing says winter like being trapped in a giant sweaty sack.

Great scott.

Having it come with a subtitle confuses me, it seems like a spinoff of AC4.