
Yeah, that's how Samsung can get away with it. People are wowed by the vivid, bright colors and don't notice the (relatively) horrible clarity. At first glance, the Galaxy Nexus's display probably looks much better than the iPhone's, but for everyday use (i.e. viewing text), better clarity is more important than

Consider this: the Galaxy Nexus has the same number of subpixels as the iPhone 4/4S.

I haven't seen anyone but you say that.

I got the Adobe web suite legitimately for the equivalent of US$100 thanks to education discount. Includes Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, and Illustrator.

Ugh, PenTile. I'm never, ever getting a phone with a PenTile display again. I switched from an iPhone 4 to a Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus's display is horribly disappointing.

Yeah, but see, when you use PenTile, it's not really 313 ppi. It's closer to, like, 200. After switching to a Galaxy Nexus from an iPhone 4 I will never get a phone with a PenTile display ever again. The difference in clarity between the two is ridiculous.

No, Apple uses LCD's while Samsung has pretty much switched exclusively to AMOLED displays. They're completely different technologies and probably wouldn't even be manufactured by the same Samsung subsidiary. I don't think Samsung would use the iPad's display even if they could, because it's not AMOLED.

Jeez. Thankfully you don't have children, then.

iTunes locks itself to 5 computers, each of which then can support unlimited iOS devices. It's very easy to share an iTunes account between a family; in fact, I believe this is standard for most people and something that Apple supports.

The difficulty of making extremely dense AMOLED displays without using PenTile is a huge limitation. I have a Galaxy Nexus and its display is pretty shitty compared side-by-side to the Retina Display on an iPhone 4/4S, not because of the colors, but because of the difference in clarity. The GN literally has the same

Sorry, I don't see where you gave any information whatsoever. All I see are baseless assumptions.

No. People actually really don't care about the Chinese workers who manufacture their products. People will not care if the suicide rates for factory workers of other companies is higher than Apple's. That's such a naive assumption!

"I really long for an unbiased review of the new iPad."

I can't believe how amazingly awful Android Twitter apps (well, Android apps in general) are.

A very naive worldview, though.

That's clearly not what the author meant, and *surprise* the only people who read it like that are the same people who accuse Gizmodo (and every other site) of bias toward Apple.

... really? Apple haters will never be satisfied with any words describing Apple in a non-negative light, I guess.

Even disregarding the illegality of this, self-righteous douchebags are far more annoying than obnoxious people.

What about symlinks? Or whatever the Windows equivalent is. You can go one step further and sync all your application preferences between computers using symlinks to Dropbox. I don't do this for all my applications, but I do sync the "texturepack" folder on Minecraft between my desktop and laptop this way, and it

Rock isn't the only legitimate genre of music. In fact, since electronic music exploded, it's (IMO) one of the least legitimate genres, considering how restrictive it is (i.e. every rock song uses the same three or four instruments).