
You're either ignorant or playing dumb if you innocently insist that your claim about Apple solely succeeding on its marketing would be interpreted as a non-insulting observation in the tech world. You are aware of how contentious Android fans are on the issue of Apple, right? You are aware that what you wrote has

Samsung and LG are Korean, not Japanese. Also, the fact Nokia is Finnish is irrelevant. The OP was suggesting that Nokia is creating a larger phone in order to compete in the US market.

When did I deny that Apple has great marketing? When did I deny that products need good marketing to succeed? It's funny you would say that I "keep trying to turn this into something it isn't" when you've completely digressed from the original point.

I remember back in July or something I searched "Tiny Wings" in the Android Market. There was a result. I checked the real Tiny Wings developer's site and it said there was only an iOS version. Turns out the app in the Market was a fake app that scammed quite a few people, looking at the ratings.

Right, you're not bashing Apple. You're just passive-aggressively insulting Apple and its users. You said that its success is solely based on its marketing, implying that its actual products are subpar and its users are blind followers.

"Do you remember when iOS 4 came out and there was the kerfuffle where people were accusing Apple of intentionally making the update so that it would slow down or brick old devices to coax people into buying the iPhone 4?"

Um, really?

You're not being critical? You don't hate Apple? How short is your attention span? Scroll up and read the picture you JUST posted. Gee, I wonder why people think you do.

some people don't consider Iphones & Ipads as the ultimate gadgets. Or at least name your article "I love Ipads: here are some random facts"

Evidently, you did not read the article.

I am well aware of the difference between revenue and profit, but I'm not sure how that's relevant. Apple does not sell the iPad at cost.

Really? The OS X ecosystem is very good. I have yet to find adequate Windows equivalents of Sparrow, Reeder, Coda, Adium, or the official Twitter app.

Apple's yearly revenue is $108 billion, according to Wikipedia. If it makes $1.5 billion from apps per quarter, that's... $6 billion per year.

You're half right about Apple's brand. Sure, with Apple, people don't think before they buy. But it's not because it's "hip and savvy"; it's because they just know it's going to work well and be supported properly for years to come.

You can choose which groups to display on the ICS contacts app. It's just hidden in the app settings. I have mine set to view only contacts from my Google account.

Windows owns 90% of the marketshare? Well, technically, yes. But something like 50% of college students have Macs now. And that same young adult demographic is a HUGE smartphone market. Microsoft can't depend on Windows integration if it wants to compete.

I'm well aware of that. Of course Android will never be as fast as iOS when tasks are running in the background, but when they're not, ICS has made scrolling pretty much on par with iOS for the first time ever. The browser still needs some serious work, as does multitouch zooming, but Android definitely CAN get there.

My problem with Sense is that it's basically trying to create a completely new UI on top of Android. For example, Sense apps like email, music, messages, and contacts have completely non-Android UI's with non-default scrolling behavior.

UI consists of FAR more than simply physical appearance. The scrolling behavior, animations, and all those other graphical details are just as important. iOS nails everything perfectly. Android 2.x is VERY far from it, and even manufacturer skins do little to fundamentally change Android's UI.

Oh my gosh, are you telling me that the author's opinion is... his opinion? You just blew my mind.