Soda Costanza

The DCAU starting with Batman was what got me into superheroes when I was a kid.

You had me at Tom Hanks and lost me at John Mayer.

We would certainly never make up the fake off-spring of fictional characters.

Even though the second season was a bit of a downer I'm still constantly pleased with how well developed the characters that have been around since season 1 have become. I was smiling to see how far Beth has come with dealing with Danny's death, but am also understanding of why Mark continues to be a mess. Also,

Now I want to re-watch Kung Fu Hustle.

It's the responsible thing to do.

They make video game fanboys look like reasonable rationale people.

I'd be willing to pay 25 schmeckles for more episodes right now.

Sign this man up for a Marvel movie while you're at it.


I love that they didn't actually show Mr. Wrench going to town on those goons. Trust the collective imagination of the audience to picture the horror that he must have inflicted.

Maybe it's just current events bringing me down, but I think that Varga would get let go because he's rich and operates without any shred of decency. I do appreciate the ambiguous ending, though.

I appreciate the correction. An embarrassing oversight on my part. The corrected question stands though, does he mean actual Czechs or people of the Bohemian lifestyle.

Like on Thanksgiving when my mom's uncle starts complaining about the Bohemian guy in his neighborhood. I've always wondered if he's talking about an actual Hungarian or just someone who lives a bohemian lifestyle, but I know that it's better not to engage.

I prefer pony. Nobody likes kids with ponies anyway.

How do you feel about the first seasons of Friday Night Lights or Twin Peaks?

The jerk store must be all out of Richard.

It's actually really easy being a non-hugger in 2017 and I fully recommend it.

Would it have helped if they described him as "Jess from Gilmore Girls"? That's how I think of him.

Then there will be another few episodes of the FBI working through the Postal Service's bearacrucy in order to track where the key came from which will lead them back to Coop. But by the time they get there the goons looking for Dougie will already have found him and the show will end with Lynch and Albert at the