
@Dogen: See, that's why it's so important to read random commenters on the Web. This place is full of people who know way more about science, technology and engineering than actual researchers or scientists and can critique their developments just from reading a one paragraph write up.

Pro: it could encourage people to go longer distances on foot, mixing walking and riding, reducing car traffic and making pedestrian-friendly town centers a more realistic proposition. Remember how pundits predicted that the Segway would change the way cities were designed? Well, that's one of its biggest problems:

I still can't find the option to close the window and return to the Inbox view after deleting a message instead of loading the next message into the message window. So I guess it's back to GMail for me. Or any other email client designed after about 1992.

@diannevan: The plural of "anecdote" is not data.

An acquaintance had this PLUS another similar bogus antispyware app. At start up both of them would launch, start a bot-battle trying to kill each other, and after a couple of minutes crash the machine with a BSOD. I thought about booting to CD and trying to clean up... but decided that a format and clean reinstall

That list of 3 is missing one biggie: A sense of control. Without that, people get not merely demotivated but actually depressed. Big companies and stupid policies often seemed designed to squeeze out any sense of control — whether its rules about how you can decorate your cubicle or micromanagement of tasks. Managers

This doesn't work with pickled walnuts, it turns out.

Pretty lame. I have a globally unique name (seriously!) and it still found only a small fraction of what a simple Google search would turn up.

Any progress on the glacial startup pace? I can launch Chrome, read the news, and quit in the time while Firefox is still initializing.

@Hopkinsrocks: *sigh*. It's a vodka thread so inevitably, we have the "all vodka is alike" opinion from the person who only thinks he knows something about vodka. Look, America is not the capital of vodka, and the ATF's definition of vodka is not binding.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

@Sam Moore: Why so nuts? It IS legal to ask, "if you were offered this job, could you legally work for us?". But — unless the job is classified — it's illegal to discriminate against anybody who has a legal visa that permits them to work here. That's exactly what a work permit means. What's so awful about that?

@justelise: According to this logic, I could drink single malt scotch with plenty of ice and lose weight like crazy.

A lot of people's conflicts on any given day would go away if they just remembered that there are times that they are the "server" and times that they are the "served". That waiter you're giving a hard time to at 8pm? At 8am tomorrow he's your customer and you're serving him. Is it so hard to treat everybody with the

How is networking and file sharing between Linux and Win7? I have all kinds of mysterious, unfathomable "permission denied" errors on a mixed network of Win 7 RC and Win XP Pro machines, which is really annoying when all I want to do is share everything everywhere.

@nolabar10der: I've been using Continuous Data Protection from Tivoli (yes, the IBM brand!). It backs up every file as soon as it is changed (no need for scheduled backups unless you want to) and can keep multiple versions of files too.

I love

@TaterTom: Hi Tater — I wasn't judging, just trying to inject some humor into the comparison. In fact America has many excellent craft beers these days. And I grew up in England in the 1970s — a benighted era whose beers made Miller seem like the height of artisanship. Mention Watney's Red Barrel or Ansell's to any

People who have only drunk mass-marketed vodka in America really need to stop commenting on what vodka supposedly tastes like. American vodka has about the same relationship to the real drink that American Budweiser does to Polish Budweiser, or Chicago pizza to that from Naples.