
That’s what I always tell my students when I have to explain legitimacy of citations in their (scientific, in this case) writing. Many of them are freshmen with some lazy or poor referencing skills, and they often think Wiki is a valid source. I think they appreciate that when I tell them that though it’s not valid

Sounds just like the camp my boyfriend worked at :o) (also in ADK). He loved it and all his best friends are camp friends. It’s definitely his happy place. He took me to visit it last summer, and there were two baby raccoons walking around one area, apparently lost from their nest. Someone reported them, and another

I have a flip phone, and last year somebody definitely tried to pull a phone-theft scam, asking to use my phone while I held something stupid of theirs as collateral. I happily pulled out my phone and said “sure! call whoever!” He was visibly disappointed, but kept up the charade and called someone, then gave it back.

This is my initial reaction to the idea of making it a required vaccination. Those “big ones” you named are also diseases that kids could conceivably catch at school if vaccinations weren’t required, but it’s much less likely (and actively discouraged) that kids would be able to pass along HPV at school. I see it as

Last week, while waiting for the bus around closing time, very drunk man walks by: “Were you kicked out of bed by some guy? Hi, I’m Joe.”

Good friend of mine visited me with her boyfriend, now husband. They showered together with pretty much the same leadup as you experienced, with me just hanging out in the living room. I don’t believe they had sex in there, I think they must shower together usually (or just share bathroom space and take turns? I don’t

My best friend had a gluten-free cake at her wedding. She had no need to have one, it just happened to be the best tasting of the various cakes that she tasted. When she called me to tell me (because cake decisions always warrant a phone call), I was reaaaally leery of her decision. Come the wedding, I had like 3.5