
Dude, they’re clearly referring to a dysfunctional savior/savee (?) relationship cliché, not to mental illness specifically.

I’m confused by this letter: it starts off sounding like Trump is bailing on the summit and blaming Un, then makes it sound like it was Un’s decision not to have the summit and is like “let me know if you change your mind”. WTF

But, but, but... there are coins!


Sorry editing my comment because I re-read yours and I think I misunderstood you. (Its been a long day and apparently both my reading comprehension and sentence construction have been impacted by that.)

There are so many talented, amazing people in this world. We don’t *need* Louis CK. We don’t *need* Woody Allen. Allowing them to continue making art takes up space other, non-asshole people could have, and it absolutely validates them. Not to mention what it must feel like as a victim of these men to watch them

I would consider it assault to have a man expose himself in front of me without my permission and masturbate. I shouldn’t have to deal with that in the work place, in public or anywhere. Pushing yourself sexually on someone is assault. Louis CK is a serial sexual predator.

If I recall correctly, he denied it publicly for years before he finally owned up to it. He only owned up to it when he started facing consequences, and he didn’t even apologize for it. This article has him denying it in 2016.

Glad Tomi was publicly shamed, and there was no physical violene, tho Who is Topher? Who is Tammy? Who is Tobias?

Is it me or no matter how vile, racist, full of shit one white woman is another will always come to her defense? This hack Kathy Griffith defending Beckzilla or other white women in the media defending that liar Sarah Sanders.

I can only speak for myself, but someone in the comment section brought this to my attention, so I’ve been bringing it up whenever possible. I strongly dislike the fact that Jezebel will criticize any actor that seems to throw some support behind Allen (side note: I personally dont care for him at all) but if the

We do love in a meritocracy- it’s just that the merit rewarded is who your parents are.

And I’m over places being “hot spots” just because a celebrity ate there. You know that restaurant will be gone in a month,being in NY. You know what’s a real hot spot? Hawaii.

Get off the internet, Avril.

Thanks for that link. The Jared piece of the story, while noteworthy for another example of his embarrassing incompetence, is the least of it. The staggering amounts of money and recklessness on a global scale Nader and Broidy were playing with, and the bit about $150,000 Trump took (demanded?) in exchange for

My friend’s are similarly uninspiring in this respect. Maybe we need better friends.

A source tells E! the two “met through friends at a dinner party and hit it off” earlier this year. Said another source, “He was a billionaire. She, uh, wasn’t. Can I make it any more obvious?”

Amber heard and seen with another douchebag.