On the plus side if he Sue’s the step maker it may then open the door to holding gun manufacturers liable....
On the plus side if he Sue’s the step maker it may then open the door to holding gun manufacturers liable....
You my friend have given it buckets more thought than Sean. He just was going for the easy layup...Assad is Hitler-plus.
What heroic folly!
Totes agree. Excellent but in measured doses.
Came back to find and star...cos I always caught the resemblance...stature and dress wise especially.
Chloe’s teenage visitor?
You see it time and time again in media coverage. The gentrification of the white male perpetrator and the intellectualisation of his actions. The ‘thuggification’ of the black male perpetrator and even the victims ( Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, etc)and the primitivising of his actions.
“an offensive team”
His Twitter account is worth a follow.
Spice Mas to the whole damn werl!
The same ones who were ok with the locker talk but were upset with the media for using the word pussy in reporting on what he said... Odd group.
Yea but they won n her emails.
And conway’s blatant breach of ethics.
It boggles my mind how totally the media continues to let trump dominate them. An exercise I do each morning is to count the number of headlines of each national newspaper which begins with his name. The infatuation is unbelievable and the media continues to be complicit in the mindless promotion of this scamster.…
There am I thinking she died of loneliness...the fate of all of us spinsters.
I think there is merit to this exercise once there are proper and clear objectives and explanations, particularly as a counter to the dangerous movement of late to romanticise slavery or mischaracterise it as part of the normal transcontinental migration of humans.
There is also Brannon’s Acid Spritz.
Wait. The word isn’t unfuckable???
I read the Golden Notebook ten years ago and was blown away. What have you read by her?