
Speaking of which, I cannot wait for some company to just dump a couple thousand wifi-connected bowling balls all over Manhattan. BOWL AT YOUR LEISURE

Sounds like the timing is finally right for some disruptive genius to introduce roller skate-sharing. And to think, bowling alleys independently developed Silicon Valley’s most vaunted capitalist innovation decades before anyone thought to notice how revolutionary it was.  

On behalf of san diego, good fucking riddance. Perhaps before you leave, you’ll do us the service of removing the abandoned lime scooters from under the bushes in balboa park and from the shallower parts of mission bay.

Driving with headphones in. Strangely enough, at least in my state, I don’t think this is illegal. Fucking dumb? Yes. But not illegal.

Good intel on the barefoot thing, I actually believed that one. I do that in my Jeep all the time when it’s warm and I’m wearing flip flops. To me it always felt way safer than possibly getting a flop caught under a pedal.

Can we also create a rule of etiquette that it is inappropriate to press your current nutrition myth on other people unless invited to do so? This goes triple if you happen to have some financial/MLM interest in it. 

Can we add hydration myths please? ”You must drink ridiculous amounts of water dailyand “Caffeinated beverages are dehydrating” really irk me.

while we’re at it, can we add juicing to the list? increased sugar consumption and less fiber is just a bad idea nutritionally, as well.

Some nicely veiled pork here.

It wasn’t until I had kids that I realized why, at least in urban legend, the husband sleeps with the nanny and the wife sleeps with the handyman. The easy proximity alone would be attractive.

I’m not sure what this has to do with anything, but I’ve always wondered - how on earth do people find the time and energy to carry on an affair? After waking up early, helping get the kids ready and out the door, and then working all day, I’m just ready to get home, finish my responsibilities (dinner, dishes, kids to

As a hideous, unloveable misanthrope I can’t even get one person to love me, let alone two, so problem solved.

If it’s a “give one, get one” arrangement there’s some chance you’ll get one back, and worst case you’re out one gift. As you say though, that still depends on somebody enjoying giving and getting random gifts.

...can get you ten to twenty. 

Luckily most Star Wars fans are easy going chaps, and don’t mind a touch up here or there to established canon.

I hear The Land That The Weekly World News Remembered is absolutely bonkers, though.

Driving is cathartic for me, I enjoy it and make enough to buy pretty much whatever I really want. (I’ve owned a couple of exotics and DD’d various AMG ///M cars) for me, it’s a matter of entertainment expense which also happens to cross over into transportation.  I’ll always have a payment because I refuse to take

I gave up struggling with this a while ago. I earn good money, I appreciate driving a nice car that makes me happy, and if that means a decent sized car payment (that I can definitely afford)... then so be it.

It’s a tuber, Spice. Come on. 

Done, didn't help :)