ITT: defending Apple at all costs
ITT: defending Apple at all costs
just because you have a 2.8 doesnt mean you have to rack EVERY single shot
@Hello Mister Walrus: its simply that time of the month for gizmodo to be bipolar on their loved ones...
ITT: everyone shames Mr. Gates' motives by pointing out everything wrong in the world.
@anexanhume: agreed. All the articles recently are smear campaigns, and the moment you disagree with JD, the banhammer comes.
Jesus, you must be a visionary
So is the illustration supposed to remotely resemble her?
Next article: Why we are currently in the process of moving on, but hey, remember two weeks ago when we got a lot of Giz traffic?... Lets revisit that
@Golf_Nut: must obey to gizmodo...must obey...
Giz sure does herd their sheep powerfully. Cant believe how angry you guys are
Wow, Giz has made their sheep SUPER angry at the man today
@themightyspitz: that^^
@gemcosta: srsly
The illusion of mayhem this has created gets funnier by the second. Every post I read by iPhone thumping Giz sheep using the words "Class action lawsuit" is becoming more comedic.
Still totally amused by how much of a world crisis this is to all of these Giz readers...
@Smurfette's dropkick: you sound like it anyway, so no harm...
@hulahoophugs: See what ya did thar