Miss Dashwood has an empty F jar (who was CZanne)

She is now in her first year of law school. Even without the money aspects, that’s not an ideal time to rock the boat. (Remember, he’s also stingy - allocating a total of $300 for hair and makeup for Tiffany and Marla for the Inauguration is what caused them to try for freebies. Because camera-ready event cosmetics

On days when I’m feeling feisty, I say, as politely as possible, “My spouse didn’t need to change the name he was born with. Why should I have to do something time consuming and complicated?” On really feisty days, my interlocutor gets a long discussion on the damage to voting rights and credit that name changes do to

Distance contacts plus readers. That’s what my optometrist is recommending now, rather than bifocals, specifically because bifocals tend to contribute to falls and trips, even after several years. And getting the sweet spot of reading/close work is much easier with a pair of glasses than getting the lenses to

I went through all of the consultations and chose not to go with it *because* I’m nearsighted (-3.5 in one eye, -1 in the other) and mildly astigmatic. Around age 40-45-50, you’re also likely to start getting far-sighted, due to presbyopia (old age far sight). It will take longer for your eye muscles to adjust from

Thou shalt not ride bicycles on farm roads in rural Colorado. Farm trucks and the asshats who drive them do not share the road. I’m lucky I just blew a knee and didn’t break my neck or become a smear. I was born with the full complement, but I’d blown the other one a year before, had the surgery on it, and found that

Oh, god, I thought I was the only one. I can let it go past stubble (my body hair is blonde and isn’t visible on my skin) but when it gets to terminal length (also not that long, maybe a little more than a centimeter?) it flutters and makes me think I’ve got loose thread or head hair caught where it doesn’t belong.

No, I am saying there are always people who will find the holes and opportunities, and there are always people who feel (whether actually or not) that they are being left behind an economic system, or want to be outside of an economic system they consider corrupt, or who just don’t care very much where the money comes

... oh god. I don’t know if that’s stupidity, willful cognitive dissonance, or implanted propaganda, but may they be kept far from sharp objects and heavy machinery.

This is probably true — we can show them pictures of the Great Wall with some saguaros photoshopped in. Bonus if the cacti are floating a couple feet above the apparent ground.

But FEMA camps. Which are going to be used to round up conservatives any day now.

They can join the protest, but afterwards, we get to serve a lot of crow pie and smack them with the clue stick until they remember not to do that shit again.

And from the north. Not that our friends in the north aren’t capable, and not that the Mounties can’t do the job, but there are a lot of people in Alberta and Saskatchewan who are in tenuous economic situations. And a lot of people in Alaska, Montana, Idaho and North Dakota who are equally poor, plus significant

When I lived in Colorado Springs, I had a neighbor who was Coast Guard (stationed at NORAD). There are a lot of inland USCG stations — rivers and major lakes have CG. The bigger issue is out of sight rather than reputation; the CG has a generally very good reputation. The Great Lakes states tend to be very positive

The Romans got lucky with Hannibal — bad weather was hard on the elephants, and the Romans managed to pick a really good choke point and hold it, in part due to bad weather. A warm spell or a slightly milder winter, and Hannibal would have bulldozed them, thus ending the nationalistic, colonialist, Dominionist worst

Going to my (woman owned, woman operated) dentist. I made the appointment months ago, and they’re pretty impressive, so I don’t feel bad about crossing the picket line for it. Then going to a public meeting on our local commuter rail (or more precisely, on why the transportation district has been taking our money for

It’s attributed to Epicurus via Lactanius, who was an early Christian philosopher, and often was an anti-Epicurean, so unreliiiiiiiable narrator alert! But the quote does exist, and it’s been part of the problem of evil discussion for centuries, so it’s not going away.

There really should have been a Miami Vice - Golden Girls crossover arc. Sophia would have made a perfect special agent, Dorothy and Rose could have made the collar, Blanche would have been distracted and those macho idiots could have been made fools.

Get enough parrotheads into south Florida, and it will be retiring in Florida among potheads.

They have assets, so significant institutional mass. They don’t have to recruit much at all as long as the assets keep bringing in that sweet, sweet money.

Are you looking for the ones that feel like velvet? Those are Vellux and show up under that name.

Are you looking for the ones that feel like velvet? Those are Vellux and show up under that name.