Miss Dashwood has an empty F jar (who was CZanne)

Watergate took two years. That was with more limited mass communication, much more limited computational hardware (which matters, because I will bet a coffee and donut that there’s crypto in this somewhere), and a far less technically savvy intelligence apparatus. And Watergate was a fairly minor felony in comparison.

Then there’s the math. Even assuming a casting company could get 1000 people to work for $5 an hour for 4 hours of work (offer $20), we’re talking $20K for his specific town hall. Multiply by 200 town halls. That’s $4 million just for one set of town halls. Now add in the protests. Best numbers are somewhere in the

We had to take my grandmother’s keys after 3 accidents in 2 years, several close calls, and seeing her drive. We had to take my grandfather’s keys after two fender benders and him getting caught going the wrong way on a one way street at 3 am. (He wasn’t drunk, just disoriented.)

This is either proof that time travel has not been invented — there would be swarms of agents all over this. Or proof that it will exist — this is the increasingly implausible correction that is the time continuum protecting itself from a tear in space-time.

There’s an interesting bit well below the lede:

This is a huge tell of insecurity and paranoia for me. I grew up in the southwest, learned Norteño early, so got drafted to translate for my monolingual (and terrible) parents all.the.time. Smother is convinced that anyone speaking another language around her is doing so because they’re talking *about* her. So I watch

Oh, god, how did we produce Alex P Keaton? Did he get switched at the hospital?

Yeah. That’s what terrifies me. Fuel load is so high all through the Rockies. It’s not like we don’t need the fire — we do, we’ve got way too many trees per acre for the trees’ health — but since we’re not willing to a) log the way natural fire manages forests (leave the big ones, take the little ones, take the

Opening a discreet bar or package store near the White House has got to be a money spinner right about now.

This is why elopement and moving to the opposite coast remain such popular options.

If by law, they get 24/7 of the first 40 weeks after birth, and at the end of that 40, have to spend 24 straight hours breaking up a concrete slab with a sledge hammer, or run an ultra marathon, or re-roof a house all by themselves. (I don’t care what, just some serious physical labor, unpaid, that carries a risk of

That, too. I should not be allowed near cash with a pen. Thanks for the citation!

And CO is so micro-climated. I work 10 miles from home, but it’s 10 miles closer to the foothills. So I get 6 inches at home and there’s 10 at work. But the Front Range has weird bands, so someone 10 miles east of me may get nothing, and ten miles east of them, they’re buried for 24 hours.

YES! Time delay, twitter took a hit so no more of that, take care of this plant and these mice, because they’re keeping you alive. You’ve got a library of old TV. We got that gravity problem worked out, so everything will be normal. Gotta hurry, sir. You’re saving the planet, sir. {clang the door shut, make loud

I think the missing earpiece was earlier in the day. But yeah. So bloody incompetent, unprepared, ignorant and useless.

I keep hoping someone will Truman Show him. Build him a set ( he doesn’t like being outside anyway) and manage his media feed. He won’t know the difference.

Now playing

Last night’s joint statement with PM Abe. Just watch the body language. The Mango Mendacity is seething that TWO other people are getting the attention (PM Abe and translator). But someone clearly sat on him and made him promise to only make that 15 second statement.

I have taken to writing “racist sexist genocidal slaver” on every $20 that passes through my hands. Sometimes in calligraphy. Always in bulletproof ink. It amuses my spouse and his regular vendors that I care about it so much.

Military brat, who spent early years under threat of nuclear fire from the heavens. We ran drills. Funny how the stuff one learns in first grade tends to stick.

That’s for sibs to fight out. I already did the duty — I got designated as responsible for our maternal grandmother (not that Gran told me she named me her POA/executor until well after it was too late — I wouldn’t have agreed if I’d known beforehand. The dysfunction runs deep in this genetic pool...) and did 4 years