Miss Dashwood has an empty F jar (who was CZanne)

*grin* I love fashion, even if I’m mostly a jeans and Doc Martens mountain-wear sort of fashion plate. But I understand the language of fashion. Ivanka bought the Learn In Your Car CDs and then lost them before she got past lesson 2.

I spent my adolescence in another Mormon diaspora community (one to the south, but looks demographically similar) — not a good place to be female. 50% on pedophiles? Oh, good fucking grief. The ones who are current on their tithes get reduced charges and no felonies?

Dude, Scary Spice — look, it’s not personal. It’s just Melissa wears you better.

If so, her tailors are making fun of her. Her acceptance speech dress was where I first noticed the bad darts and off-grain fabric and wobbly seams. In the close shot of her back, it’s really clear.

That’s a terrible design. So princess seams over the boobs is a good idea — princess seams are much easier to fit than darting. But then cutting the bodice at the underbust line and adding an underbust to high waist line? That’s silly. That band should drop at least to low waist, just to balance the visual line. Then

Also incredibly badly made. Darts are uneven, seams are wobbly, nothing is cut on grain. It’s substandard, even for fast fashion. I sew, and what she sells doesn’t even pass my “barely wearable, only useful for painting and grubbies, test garment” standard. But then again, I have standards.

Oh, this judge is a piece of WORK. This isn’t the first time he’s been lenient on a rapist.

When he was 19, I bet he was off on a mission. (He’s in the LDS Oral History Project archives as an interviewer; Stoker is a common LDS surname, and he’s in that part of Idaho.) And in 1970, Mormondom was extremely conservative, bordering on Bircher.

Public schools were my stability — I was a gifted military brat from an abusive family who went to 10 schools over 12 years of public education. School was my safe space, the place that was always secure and stable, no matter which state or district. School was the source of books, thought and encouragement. It was

I’d be looking for the eggs with salmonella and the breakfast meat with e.coli if I was married to that.

Now playing

I think it’s really easy for us, now 10 years later, to forget how absolutely subversive and shocking Gaga was when she broke out, and remains for people whose day to day music choices concern guys wanting to fuck in their trucks.

Also, the prison-industrial complex’s goal. Women’s private prisons are the growth sector, but it’s been stunningly hard to entice a significant part of the population into some form of criminal activity. So instead... criminalize a whole set of behaviors and actions over which half of the population has only limited

Grr. It’s that oblivious attitude that’s making me want to beat my own medical pros around the head and shoulders with a clue by four. I had to have a meds check in early December, and my blood pressure is slightly elevated. (I have a heart murmur, thus med checks and monitoring.) I was very clear about why and got

That’s a beautiful pattern. Gorgeous work!

Encourage your sane Dems, and thank them. Yeah, I know, it feels like giving cookies for just doing their fucking jobs, but their staffers will appreciate the positive feedback. Those staffers are getting their ears blown off (because even in sane, blue districts, there are still cranks, so the staffers still end up

Alleged friends. I’m not going to believe he actually has any until receipts are produced and depositions taken.

The attraction of meth is in the early stages. Remember, when meth got started, it was a mother’s little helper and a performance enhancer - Pervitin. (Really, read up on the Nazis and meth — it makes so much more sense.) Pervitin was in everything — there were chocolates with a chewy meth center, it was in beverages,

That we fell through the wormhole into Bizarro World? That time travel exists and someone fucked something up, and this is the correction? That someone turned the Matrix over to the most sleep deprived and stoned-on-a-paranoia-forward-strain grad student?

I am so, so very sorry. Solidarity, sibling. Jedi hugs if welcome.

With horns: Check. Black background: check. Lit from below: check. Goatish hands: check. If there’s air-brushing, it’s to make that skin look worse.