CZAnne & the HPA Axis is my riotgrrrl band

I’m sure he thinks it’s an apology, but that does NOT look like “I’m sorry,” to me.

You know, I want them to keep going with this “she has a brain disease” thing, because I’m going to enjoy it when the lady with the “brain disease” turns him into jello in the debates.

Very real possibility, the amount of family members i have who are sweet caring people when sober, and then absolute fuck wits and abusive when drunk has proved that for me. I don’t let them off scott free because they were drunk though.

Nah, I don’t. He’s always been a grade A cock; it’s just for a good long while he was surrounded by irredeemable shitheads like Chevy Chase who make grade A cocks look good in comparison.

He’s always been volatile too, but as he’s aged it’s gotten much less “sexy bad boy” much more “dude. What the fuck are you doing? You have kids now, quit acting like the rebel seventeen year old you apparently see in the mirror.”

I like to imagine this is a mid-life crisis grossness, because I feel bad for Vanessa and the kids.

I definitely agree society has changed for the better on this since the 90s. I remember all the stories about the rockstars of my youth destroying shit. I know a lot of musicians now and they’re like, hey man, you didn’t put out your recycling before you left the hotel room, that’s really disrespectful. The staff will

Maybe it’s just me, but while Gawker had far more coverage, I already liked The Slot’s coverage more.

aw man you guys. I’m greyed across the land, but am a long time reader and short time commenter and this sucks. Peter Thiel is a bad, bad man. many props to you all, even the ones I disagree with, and cheers and raising a glass to all the wonderful commenters who have made me double over with laughter too many times

In all seriousness, what the fuck am I supposed to do at work all day now? My job? No thank you. Legitimately upset about the demise of Gawker, which I’ve followed since it started. May Peter Thiel suffer from a debilitating rectal prolapse while his Tesla catches on fire. RIP, Gawker.

It’s been 20+ years since I’ve been in college. I’ve really tried to shake my dislike of the whole Greek thing and try to simply think of it as a rite of passage for some younger adults. I just can’t do it. I just don’t understand it. It’s........bizarre.

The thing is, she’s not anti-vacc, she just panders to anti-vacc people. And then refuses to admit there's a distinction and how dare you suggest she opposes vaccinations.

In July, Stein deleted a tweet that said there is “no evidence” that vaccines cause autism and replaced it with something more equivocating.

Fuck you, France. I’m a cradle-lapsed-Catholic and when I go to the lake, I wear a bathing suit with long shorts and a rash guard swimshirt over the top because due to my skin color and medicine I take, I will burn bright red after approximately five minutes in the sun. If I could find a nice looking, cool outfit that

Yeah. Frankly, it doesn’t look like anybody’s description so far. I can see where it got to the second description so far though, with the elements of:

Ugh. This shit is why I fucking hate the Pinterest/Pier 1/Au Bon Pain fantasy of France that Americans have.

Lastly I would say if women were indeed being forced to cover up by their spouses in order to go swimming how on earth is this going to help them? Surely this will just segregate them away from mainstream society even more.

Banned also?

This makes me so mad. I was in Nice a few years ago. I wasn’t comfortable in a swimsuit so I was in long pants and a t shirt. What if I was wearing a scarf to hide from the sun? Would I be arrested? I mean it’s not traditional Muslim clothes but my body would have been just as clothed regardless. This is so

If you’re swimming at a beach you already aren’t practicing peak hygiene! That’s lake or ocean water! Fish fuck in it!!!