It’s not just rape. On average, sentences are shorter for violent crime convictions (murder, manslaughter, assault, etc) when the victim is a woman. Sentences are much shorter when the victim is an African American or Latina woman.
It’s not just rape. On average, sentences are shorter for violent crime convictions (murder, manslaughter, assault, etc) when the victim is a woman. Sentences are much shorter when the victim is an African American or Latina woman.
Stated somewhat differently: What in the BLUE Fuck?
JUST THE SHOES. Just the goddamn shoes. Bring back all the chunky black shoes, the pilgrim buckles, the flatforms, the creepers, the boots. ALL OF THE SHOES!
Ungraying the poor people stuck in the grays who are not meany-pants, and occasionally post a silly comment.....asking for a friend....
Why are you criticizing her and talking about her sobriety and what she needs to do when HER BOYFRIEND ABUSED HER?
Additionally, the national suicide prevention help line is a good option too in times of stress and crisis:
I honestly took two suitcases of clothes, ground-shipped my car ($2K!!!!) and loaded my car with everything else that I wanted that wouldn’t fit in my suitcases. BEST DECISION EVER. (Moved from CT - CA).
Plus, feed like alfalfa and hay are grown in arid regions like southern California and use a lot of valuable water.
This study is a bit questionable. Not in results, those are clear, but in practice. This is more a study in land management theory than practical use. It solely examines land production rates, specifically “per capita land requirements and potential carrying capacity.” We are already farming things in locations that…
As usual, Wendell Berry is closest to the truth. A great deal of the land under cultivation for grain in the US really ought to be used as grazing land—including virtually all of the land between the Rockies and the Missouri River.
Not to mention how much land is destroyed to grow soy beans
I find it kind of weird that he even got involved. It would be one thing if male students were protesting, but why does this matter to a professor?
Dear Mr. Perry,
One solution:
Because method acting is pretentious horseshit? And because using method acting as an excuse to harass and terrorize your costars (and, apparently, animals) is sociopathic abuse masquerading as pretentious bullshit? He sent his costars things like a dead hog, a live rat (arguably animal abuse), and used condoms…
*Raises Hand* Hmm I can think of at least one personal reason why I despise Leto’s guts. He’s a disgusting pedobear who grooms teenage girls. While this isn’t the most well known thing, if you dig around enough you’ll find many a starry eyed millenial 90's kid who has unsavory stories about Leto’s predatory ways. I…
recent? Jared Leto has been insufferable FOREVER.
I can’t stand these columnists. Right up there with Ask Annie. First off they frequently trumpet AA and it’s offshoots as excellent ways to deal with addiction when any decent investigation shows they have the most ABYSMAL recovery rates on addiction.
Add to that, these people seem to be stuck with the same mindset as…
Well, I liked the film’s rendition of “Roxanne” better than the actual song by The Police.