Probably autocorrect, but... Top Gear?
Probably autocorrect, but... Top Gear?
“Hello, fellow Quebecer! Have you seen the new Buick Wank?”
I was once waiting in a hospital parking lot when one of those Buicks pulled up. There was a belt squeaking, bits of fender trim were loose, and it just generally wasn’t in the greatest shape. It was nice and clean, though. The occupants got out and went inside.
Why did someone Photoshop in a child’s drawing of a steering wheel?
Love the concept, hate the concept car. Who designed that thing? It looks like pieces from a bunch of wildly different cars badly stuck together with glue.
Of course. Gotta plan these things well in advance. And make sure the car you’re passing is doing at least 40 under the limit.
Same here. I drove the truck on a few family road trips, and I didn’t do much passing. When it was needed, I found the best method is to put your foot all the way on the floor and leave it there.
Ballaban = handsome. Camaro = not.
Yeeaahhh...I’m with Patrick on this one. The RS is maybe acceptable, but the SS looks like crap - utter and complete crap. That huge grille is just terrible and revolting and all kinds of not nice.
Funny idea, but seems in slightly poor taste, given that the pilots died.
Pretty sure my dad’s truck has the 3.9. It’s been pretty reliable, but it’s pretty damn slow too. Between putting my foot down and seeing a noticeable increase in speed, I easily have time for a shower, a sandwich and a nap. It’ll get moving, but only when it’s good and ready.
Damn, that’s a pretty car!
+1 on the Dakota. My dad has a 2004, and regularly takes two-day road trips in it for work. It’s probably creeping up on 150k at this point, and while it only gets 20mpg, it’s been very reliable - surprising for a Chrysler product, but credit where it’s due.
That might be my favorite picture on the internet.
That was really well written, and the first thing I’ve read that actually got me to like a Lamborghini. I’m bookmarking it for the “Thor’s hammer” line alone.
Sorry, but no. I love Mustangs, but the Fox-bodys just never did it for me. For 20 grand, I could get an almost-new ‘Stang.
Personally, I have absolutely no sense of direction, so this could actually be quite helpful to me. Using businesses does smack a bit of advertisement, though.
NSFW language warning (as always with RCR)
Probably just to discourage people from doing it while they’re moving, but also because it’s startlingly easy to miss a green light. I once sat for almost an entire green light behind some doofus in a beige Lexus who just didn’t go. They eventually looked up, realized what had happened and floored it across the…