
Yes! 1000x yes!!!!!

Any of you have kids? Especially young boys? My son has been clamoring for weeks to see this. They didn't make it for adults. They made it for wee ones. My kids loved it and want to see it again. So i would say regardless of what rotten tomatoes says (though i generally take its advice) it will be a success and

LOL!! Yes you must copy write these ideas immediately!

you sir, just wrote the next SyFy movie of the week. I suggest you demand royalties.

Looks like broccoli

I agree. However, I was thinking Sean Connery era 007 gadget myself

For dancing steel factory i still prefer The Simpsons Season 8, Episode 15

They give you cups, you take it home and pour it into those cups. Or use your own. The possibilities are endless.

Correction, Amazon does not permanently increase your storage to 20gigs for buying an album.

Better than no mother at all? I would say yes.

Don't hide them, accessories them!

And they want you to wear black socks with your shorts...

When i first saw this guy on Gizmodo, i went to his site and spent hours watching his constructed insanity

I guess for perspective, I dislike jerry jones greatly.

Yes really!

Yes, vyer interesting indeed

Can you still buy movies or TV shows in the iTunes app? If so, I would suggest that is the reason.

I am afraid it has caught on like Kleenex and q-tips