
Is this the first recorded instance of going black and, in fact, going back?

Trying do drive myself out of this: [] this past march here in Columbus was... interesting

OH! That was McFly driving the Trans-Am.

HAHAHA, my coworkers are looking at me funny, wondering why the hell I'm snorting like an idiot!

@jbownsabmw: That was the only reason I was pissed that my parents sold our 96 caravan after my first year in college. I was supposed to get it, and that right there was my plan. It truly would have been a "Shaggin Wagon". I was gonna block out the windows and write "Free Candy" on the side.

@drewzPOLARtoo: You expressed my sentiment about Volvo perfectly, I just lacked the words to make that clear. Volvo will live on for a very long time, but like I said previously, they will be gone from Ford in less than 10 years.

Dead/sold off brands in the next 10 years in order of occurrence:

Woah woah woah. This page is only the fall lineup. Top Gear is likely to be a mid-season replacement. It is still listed in their Primetime '08/'09 listings []

Clean-up, aisle 8!

@charles_barrett: Mine's great: Lucky Osborne... I should be using that for my online handles... damn

@Bento: Damn I'm a nerd. Either that or the only one that really got your joke. Mac browsers, yes?

@smalleyxb122: sorry, I didn't think to take a follow up picture :P We got another 3 inches or so after I took this picture. It took me most of Sunday to dig out. Even then, the alley that connects to my parking spot didn't didn't melt enough for me to get through until Monday around noon.