
I detest destination weddings for this very reason. They put a burden on the guests that is simply unreasonable. I’ve had several friend do the destination wedding thing and I’ve never been able to go; twice I couldn’t afford it, then once I was getting ready to buy the ticket when BAM! I got fired and needed the

Mine is kind of short, almost a vignette, but it gave me shudders.

Memory is shockingly malleable; it’s very easy to put things from your mind and forget them. Sadly, it’s also every bit as easy to blow things up and exaggerate them in your memory to the point they bear no resemblance to what happened.

I first had a cloth bag lined with nylon that I used for six years before it became too ratty and started to fall apart. And that was packing lunches 3-4 times a week. When I wanted to find a new one, the original seller had retired, so I got an all-cotton one somewhere else that still does a good job.

I actually use a resusable cloth sandwich bag (purchased on Etsy) for my work sandwiches, and it does pretty well. I used to see disposable parchment sandwich bags for sale here and there, but not for a long time....

I posted something about my own experiences of harassment/assault at the hands of women, and got nothing but support. It was the first time I’d talked openly about it. (When it happened, I was disbelieved or told it was my fault, or that “they liked me”, and was even threatened by a family member to not make a case of

I needed an intermission when I sat down to see “The Mysteries of Lisbon” without checking its running time.

Consent is not something that has been taught sufficiently; my generation certainly wasn’t taught about it. And it needs to be across the board; get consent from other people, and your consent must be respected.

I usually buy candles in bulk packages at Michael’s. My favorite scent is un.

I usually buy candles in bulk packages at Michael’s. My favorite scent is un.

The Moonlit Road is a favorite of mine. They seem to only put out one episode a year these days, but most of their back catalog is still available. (They used to be very active.) Good spooky tales from the South, told by professional storytellers.

The “pressure” bit speaks to me.

Too late.

Thankfully, my office had a free flu shot clinic, and even though I’m technically a temp (but in the same position since March, and growing in my duties every week) I was able to get it there.

True...there was a time when Peppermint Patty was hiding from school atop Snoopy’s doghouse, convinced it was Charlie Brown’s guest cottage. Marcie attempted to pull her off, and in the ensuing struggle, the doghouse/guest cottage collapsed. That was also when Marcie, having had enough, lecture P.P. that Snoopy wasn’t

NPR reported on this last night, and included a report that fine print gives Equifax the right to sell your information, which has some crying foul. And many are questioning if this is any better than a freeze.

I just recalled another incident, just over a year ago. I’d just been fired from my job that afternoon (a shock, but I wanted out anyway), and I was supposed to join a group of friends for dinner and chat that night. I messaged them that I couldn’t make it, that I’d just lost my job and needed to save money, and one

Oh dear, I overlooked that. How embarrassing.

I hugged a friend who’d just miscarried once, and out of my own discomfort and feelings of awkwardness, I started blathering about what I saw going on out the window and apparently it was what she needed because she started laughing. Later she said it was just what she needed.

I wear hats all the time; I like them. And you can develop good habits with them. A friend complimented me on the smooth gesture I used while doffing my hat when I walked into work; I had cultivated that as part of my old-school-gentleman personal branding that’s been my thing for while. Practice taking off your hat

Possibly. I remember when she had a lot of drama with her mother, who was sliding into dementia and had other health problems as well. And she was convinced that her mother was going to make a full recovery, even from Alzheimer’s. “My mommy is going to get better, I know it!!!” she would declare. Mommy never got