
I like it!

That's a great comment, and I completely agree with you. Especially this:

It does seem odd. I occasionally get a BluRay out of sync. I can adjust the AV sync in 10ms steps. More than a few steps and it's very obvious, and extremely irritating. Although advanced audio is a lot more noticeable than delayed audio.

It does seem surprising at first, given how much io9 commenters appear to read.

True. Although many of those are pedestrian deaths (the UK had 646 pedestrian and 136 cyclist fatalities in 2007) and many of the rest are passengers.

True. Although many of those are pedestrian deaths (the UK had 646 pedestrian and 136 cyclist fatalities in 2007) and many of the rest are passengers.

(I should have said, no *meaningful* speed limits, once you were bombing round the country. Supposed speed limits, especially in towns, were actually very low for a long time.)

It is interesting, isn't it?

I know!

Since 1920, the fatality rate per passenger mile has decreased by a factor of ~17 (in the US).

Road accident fatality rates used to be absolutely shocking. This graph for the US. Note the vertical scale is non-linear! Fatality rates per passenger mile have decreased by a factor of ~17 since 1920, and the trend is roughly similar in the UK.

A golden age of television? How terribly sad. In relative terms, perhaps, but television is almost entirely unwatchable. It's certainly not worth watching anything live, because the chances are it will end either in cancellation, complete incoherence, or both; either way, the chance that you're watching any kind of

"I won't lie to you about your chances... but you have my sympathies."

"Our Moon could never be made of ice and still reflect sunlight."

"We made this radio SUPER-POWERED, so the signal we sent broke the speed of light!"

Yeah, I'm with you on this.

Sunshine is a truly terrible film. Egregiously stupid and totally laughable from beginning to end.

I generally like the writer of a work to know what's going on - regardless of what genre it might be.

I didn't waste my time with this series - or rather, I thought I'd wait until it was over to see if it was worth watching. Everything indicated that the writers themselves didn't have the faintest idea what was going on. I don't see the point in watching something like that, if it's full of little clues, and little

They're both great. When you've finished, drop by the o'deck and let us know what you thought!