
My Cocker Spaniel enjoyed the BBC's Frozen Planet. Mainly the bit with the wolves.

It's a great soundtrack. I loved Tron: Legacy. I've watched it countless times - it looks truly spectacular, and it's like listening (and watching) a great concept album.

Thanks for pointing this out. ChristWire is frequently hilarious and a brilliant example of Poe's Law.

Spielberg was a producer, of course, but judging by the behind-the-scenes documentaries on the BluRay, he was around the production in person quite a lot.

Now that's very interesting to hear.

I'm completely baffled to hear people thought those were aliens.

I completely agree with everything you said.

"Yes, no, maybe," depending on who you ask.

Thor called. He says he wants his hammer back.

I voted for Jurassic Park - but only because it's the better option, not because I consider Jurassic Park a particularly great movie. I think Spielberg's last great genre movie was ET.

Sucker Punch was one of my favorite films of the year, and the smartest film I've seen in a long time. I found it very similar in theme to Jacob's Ladder, but there's a great deal more going on.

Namibia's a great place to find stuff that's fallen out of the sky - it's very dry and there's not a whole lot of vegetation.

I have always had a very clear and vivid flashbulb memory of being given a large Panda stuffed toy. It probably made an impression because it was so much larger than I was, but I remember exactly where I was sitting. Much later, I was surprised to learn that this happened when I was 12 months and 3 weeks old.

Me too. I want to know what Charon looks like from the surface.

It's definitely "deep cold."

It's definitely "deep cold."

"There's a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?"