
All we can definitively state is that the spacetime interval between the supernova explosion and our observation is zero, i.e. the explosion event is on the surface of our past light cone.

You're welcome!

Photons are the quanta of electromagnetic radiation - so if we measure light in such a way that we're looking for "packets" rather than "waves," then the packets we'll be measuring are photons.

Oh, nanotechnology.

Oh, nanotechnology.

Well, we'll have to give the pulsar a hundred million years to spin down below the emission threshold (not to mention a G-type binary in a convenient orbit).

This is really fascinating.

In many ways I'm enjoying DW more than I ever have, but I can't abide the completely insufferable River character, and whenever she's gone for good it won't be soon enough.

Hate may be too strong a word... hate leads to -

Oh yes, some CG absolutely takes my breath away - recently, some of the blended practical and computer generated effects used by Del Toro. Zach Snyder is also very good at it - there are some stunning pieces in Sucker Punch where actors on a set move seamlessly into a completely CG environment - an early shot of the

I was listening to the Nicholas Meyer/Manny Coto commentary on the Wrath of Khan BluRay last night. During the shots of the Enterprise, they observe that the model shots from 1982 look better than contemporary computer generated Star Trek ships. They have more depth, more weight, more reality.

That $511,000 price tag cannot be right.

Interesting, Esther. I always had a great fondness for stars that go boom.

Oh, good grief - I hadn't even heard that "...the studio allegedly fired the director, producer and writer...."

I haven't seen Insomnia (or the early one, Following) but I've thoroughly enjoyed the other five Nolan films. That's a damn good record - scoring 5 out of 5 means I'm excited for this one too.

I like What Dreams May Come as well, as do all the people I know who've seen it. I certainly don't consider it to be in the top tier of movies, but few films are - I've seen it a few times over the last decade or so, and appreciated it on every viewing. There are some lovely effects and some interesting analogies to

Me too

1. I'm mostly unspoiled, but either in the trailer or the two released clips I've seen, the first intelligent chimp deliberately releases the intelligence-enhancing compound in a laboratory full of experimental apes.

I always regarded the Apes sequence as a stable time loop.

Ah, I was just about to post this: