
Hmm. Despite my love of dinosaurs, I think my enjoyment of Terra Nova may hinge on whether I can pretend the characters giving the bogus time travel explanations are unreliable narrators who don't know what the hell they're talking about.

I didn't mind 3. Sam Neil is good in it.

This is called Batesian mimicry: when a harmless species evolves to mimic the warning signals of a harmful species.

"...this movie just irks me. It reminds me so much of Timer - not in terms of plot, but in terms of the complete disregard for science and plausibility."

Hey, I used to have one of those! I wondered where it got to....

Good point - without heavy armor proficiency Students would take a -8 on skill checks involving movement (which presumably includes treadmills).

I really enjoyed this movie after finding the previous two or three films terribly dull, and I didn't notice any changes. But then it's a while since I read the last few books - which I found to be very badly written and in need of serious editing (please don't kill me). I was a bit unclear on why certain things were

If I had to guess I'd bet it was an accounting problem and all the heat comes from known sources. But I've always been intrigued by the idea of volcanogenic dark matter.... Tweak the capture rates and annihilation channels for WIMPs just so, and you get a very nifty mechanism whereby the Earth accumulates dark

Hey, a Clarke story I don't remember reading! Thanks!

I agree... and that could have Interesting Consequences.

Hell yes. Scoop the mush out of my skull and put me in a proper chassis, and as soon as possible. I mean, if I had to I'd settle for a nice new clone body, and by preference I'd just upload into a Gleisner robot or a polis or the global utility fog or Moravec's efficient cyberspace, but a decent android should do

Thanks for the review. I'm quite intrigued by Miracle Day.

I'd watch it. I enjoyed the movie (pulpy science fantasy fun), but I never got into the series - the few I saw never did much for me.

GEO600 detected large scale grain, and later Integral finds no sign....

*rummages through ancient reels of decaying film*

I'll give this a chance when it airs on TV, because I have a feeling it's going to be a painful experience.

I'm not sure what you mean by quaint. I find it unlikely that any form of fusion will be commercial in the foreseeable future, because it's far easier to continue building fossil or fission plants.

I was pleasantly surprised by how good Aliens looks on BluRay - but it looks nothing like Alien. Alien on BluRay in 1080p/24 is simply gorgeous.

As far as I can tell D/3He fusion is a chimera - particularly as a motive to strip mine truly vast areas of regolith to obtain the 3He.

"... feels like a John Hughes movie with space monsters."