
Nice post, and I tend to agree!

Yeah.... a lot of those questions seems designed to provoke an incorrect answer.

@jawamachines: That's probably true for most of that 92%, but it's certainly not required. There are plenty of nontheistic variations that do not involve a anthropomorphic personal god (or invisible sky people), and uses the word god to mean something entirely different from a being - although they're probably not

"You are aware that being hit by lightning and falling down stairs claim notably less lives than a terrorist attack."

@swenson: Yes - it looks like the most likely outcome is a negligible release that poses no risk to health or the environment, while refineries are burning out of control, and all those swamped vehicles are flooding the water with petroleum and battery acid. Meanwhile there's a lot of irresponsible news reports

@shadowmaat-: That actually makes complete sense.

"Just like the world we're living in today is profoundly different from the world eight years ago."

@Roklimber: Caveat: I am not a historian, but I like playing with alternate histories....

@Idaan: Good catch!

@improprietary: I've been googling "ant death circle" ever since seeing that!

@3in1Doctor: I actually rather like Zack Snyder. I liked Dawn of the Dead and 3oo, and thought Watchmen had moments of brilliance, but was overall an interesting failure (although it's possible I'm largely bitter about the lack of Squid).

As far as I know there are very strong reasons to believe in the existence of dark matter.

This just forwarded to me - someone else with an amusing take on the same idea.

@Gawd: You would be flung into space at a speed depending upon your latitude. The speed of an object on the equator is about 465 m/s, less as you move towards the poles. So if you are standing on the equator when the gravity is magically switched off, you will carry on moving in a straight line, and find yourself

@Damob: That's what really annoys me too - that this debacle will be unfairly blamed on a lack of interest in SF, rather than Outcasts being written in crayon on the back of a rejected script from Eldorado.

Exactly. And the presence of radiation raises the question "how and why are these areas radioactive," which is a question the characters are rather too obviously not asking.