
@Dr Rotwang!: God did I love that game. Taught me a LOT about how you build a convincing fantasy world. It actually was TOO foreign in a lot of ways, and the insistence on half the book being in an alien tongue was frustrating sometimes - but it had flavour out the yang, and i still think the Shantha were some of the

What the hell is that "AUX" port on the back for? Anyone know?

"But can it live up to the epic book series?"

Giz, you have the wackiest sense of timing. I read the above post about 20 minutes after I read this [] and NOW you want me to scuba?!

@Ninja Nemo: And the reverse? X number of people lose jobs in america, chinese government uses it as propaganda to illustrate the failure of corrupt capitalism.

@Doctor Insano: Tell me where I can buy these. No, I don't care if it's just "concept art". Lie to me. Just tell me where.

2027? No, no. Wrong date.

@Mi7ch: Where oh where did i put my tomatoes.

@Castef: Forget Mark Hamill was ever in SW. He is, IMHO, the best Voice of the Joker in history. That's what he should be remembered for. It's very, very scary to think the guy who whined about tashi station's power converters can sound that manic-psychotic .

Folks, it really pays to click the links in the above article, especially this one: []

@CloserDivision: Accent doesn't make you Irish. It didn't make Madonna European, at least.

@kearneybobs: Mom always used to rub brandy on my gums when I was teething. Made me very much more happy (go figure). 'Course, now i'm a raging alcoholic with mommy issues, so, you pays yer money ...

@ex_nihilo: How 'bout a dinner event? I'll bring the six-pack, you bring the potato.

@Castef: Getting Mark Hamill to be part of any SW event is like getting Ahmadinejad to go to a Bar Mitzvah. Don't hold your breath.

Mass Effect is one of my favorite things. I love it. Truly. I've even spent over $200 on it and its merchandise.

@Foggen: Meh, you're looking for the obvious, and clearly not noticing the subtle nuances :P

Years of playing MMOs had largely desensitized me to the general ass-hattery that comes with multi/massive player gaming. It's shocking at first, but you grudgingly tolerate it (and learn how to mute and filter very quickly) because you love the game and the few players you find that aren't complete douchebags. Later,