
Wow. Lotta fanboi rage today.

@MrPerson: In much the same way that a guy who sleeps with 100 women is a player, and a woman who sleeps with 100 men is a slut. I think these two rules work on the same basic principal.


@I'm@work,shhhhh.: I'm going to forget you asked such a ridiculous question. For your own safety. ;)

@jedi4life: next time you get to DC, make that a top priority. That annex (Udvar-Hazy) has more amazing machines than I can even begin to list. I've been there every other month for the better part of a year and a half, and I *still* don't feel like I've seen the whole thing yet.

@Skyman113: [cue music] YEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH... .... (apologies to The Who)

I really got excited about the moustache wax, tho. My Hndlbrs is about to run out, and I needs more wax.

What ... a ... douchebag. First the Major Nelson account cracking thing, now this ... are most of the hacking community scriptkiddie idiots now?

@kayfouroh: Agreed, I knew every friggin one of these EXCEPT that damn bit of gibberish. Where the hell was that from, that it was so funny?

@kimarimonku: Agreed. Which is why, no matter how good this looks, i won't be buying it. Even if they offer a trial. Sorry, Funcom, you screwed the pooch as far as i'm concerned ...


@Ratfuzz: This. Exactly this. Especially the part about RPGs and their definition.

@slithy toves: Reading back, you're both absolutely right. I think I read a little more of what I *wanted* to read in there. It's not like I have any vehement opinions on the subject. Noooooooo sir. Ahem. Anyway ... apologies, and agreement.

@slimky: Thanks for calling it exactly as it is. Shame, Luke, for this incredibly misleading piece of drivel. You should know better!

@Sisee: I read your post twice to make sure I didn't mis-read it. I'm completely at odds with almost everything you said - I think I speak for a good portion of the game playing world (well, perhaps the primarily non-Japanese portion of the game playing world) when I say that the FF series (and, for that matter, most

@Zippy The Space Cougar: I will pay $100k to the first person that makes a convincing FPS where you can shoot the shit out of that sparkle pony. MY LEECHES DO NOT FUCKING SPARKLE IN SUNLIGHT, THEY COMBUST LIKE MAGNESIUM FLARES.

@arionfrost: lived in RVA for 10 years, and yes, PBR is what you drink. Even if you don't like it. Gotta maintain that cred!

@Ueziel: Care to justify your opinion? Just curious.