
Let the calendar marking begin. I'll need 2 months off from work, grocery shopping for 2 weeks and a delivery schedule for the next 6, notification letters for all family members, and divorce papers presigned for my wife when she asks for them ...

@aceofblitz: Thanks for the info! It sounds like more of an inconvenience than anything. And good luck and best wishes, with things getting increasingly tense to the southwest of you lately, I hope all continues to be safe and peaceful for you and your neighbors. :)

@aceofblitz: Question for you then: do these bannings happen often, and are they all as easy to get around? I'm wondering if this is censorship for the sake of posturing and not really meant to be stringently enforced, or just ineffective follow-through on a truly intended none-of-that-here mentality. But i'm

@STiger: Depends on who you talk to - most of my office has a hard-on for anything Japanese, evenwhen it's rather awful (what passes for "good sushi" amongst my co-workers makes me shudder). And I remember a whole lot of kids in Osaka who were *dying* for more access to western culture, and take a look at some of the

@PapaBear434: Well Said. I, too, have often wondered why bozo # 438 doesn't look at what i just did to the remains of bozo # 437 and go "Y'know, there's a small chance I might take this guy on - it's not like he has, i dunno, *ten times my health and can absorb projectiles like he was made of concrete.* Then again ...

@deanbmmv: cue the obligatory diagram ...

@WhiteMåge is in fact a boy, damnit: I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say you got into the CRPG genre pretty recently (last 6-7 years), or haven't played many of them. Virtually every CRPG i've played in the last ... hm ... well, since they've been making them ... anyway, virtually every one uses a dice

@Showmeyomoves!: Aw! And here I thought my vitriol would just get a banhammer or somesuch. Nice to know nerd-rage still has some currency.

@Mundus: Good question ... have the gods of Bio ever stated what platform the trailers are pulled from? First instinct is to say PC, simply 'cos it'd be easier, but that's just a guess. Am I correct that, unlike DA:O, ME2 is still being developed primarily as a console game?

I understand that there is this burning need in the starwars continuity to revisit the pivotal and iconic, but SWEET, TENDER CHRIST can we *please* get some new blood in here? I'm so tired of the perceived need to pander to the "comic-book-guy"-esque kind of fan who will summarily reject any SW-branded franchise

I'll be playing Dragon Age: Origins. And maybe, if I'm lucky, i'll be eating sometime, somewhere in there (damn you bioware. damn you to hell.)

Please, god ... please don't make me like EA. Who will I hate if EA ceases to be th-

@Rebochan: Glad somebody maintained their priorities. Standards, people, standards! :)

As much as I am always the skeptic of any new SW material (i think we've all been burned a little too often, mr. Lucas), i'm kinda stoked to see what comes out in print. After all, the novelization of Revenge of the Sith made an excellent, truly well-written story out of that train-wreck of a movie. After all, you

If this is the price for getting rid of texture pop-in, gods-awful inventory mgmt systems, and throw-away side-quest planets, then it's a small price to pay. I mean, we all had to get up to flip the record half-way, right?

Does anyone else begin to think the PTB down under are beginning to adopt the mentality that if it ain't cute-&-cuddly Mario (and who's cuter or cuddlier than an Italian Plumber, straight from the sewer pipe?), or it makes my grandmother frown, it's not fit for ANYONE'S consumption? Cue Nanny-State diatribe ...

At first, it was "Another MMO? Star Wars?! And BIOWARE!?" And all was eager anticipation.

FANTASTIC!! Now, can they make a time machine to go back to the days when I was playing this game, desperately hoping for more content and major bug fixes? .... No?