
Yeah, but from my friends who live in Oxfordshire, Essex is really like that. Extra chavs.

I loved Lifetime/Halmark type movies when I don't feel well. This weekend, I got sucked into watching one called 'October Baby' that turned into an anti-abrtion propaganda film. Should have guessed that with John Schneider, that's what it would be. Had to stop, it was so bad. So don't do that one.

Bubba Hotep was good - love Bruce Campbell, but the comment about Boys Over Flowers made me laugh. I watched the first season just because the Boys are oh so pretty.

You did not look too hard for the demin formal wear pics!

I want pics. At least Victoria 'Posh Spice' Beckham has pics of her f-ed up feetz.

If it helps, they regret the name. Much like Matchbox 20.

In my school system, algebra is 9th grade and 8th graders have to test to be in algebra in 8th grade.

Julia Roberts has a TS too. I went with the left bicep band in 1994. That is all.

I was specific that it happens in SCHOOLS. And the article is about SCHOOLS. So go to a SCHOOL.

After all the press from her miscarriage and fertility problems, I can't judge.

Oh they can shit, just not privately.

Middle schools and high schools generally don't have doors. It's a security issue.

Yep. I was a monitor during final exams at my daughter's high school and I had to escort kids to the bathrooms and make sure that they weren't cheating or whatever.

Wouldn't it be more of a problem to force a little girl to use a urinal? Most boy's bathrooms don't have stalls with doors.

He was there.

Well, 'good' would never be used to describe this Congress. It's funny that they are looking to the White House for legislation and policy and then bitch when the President actually gives them some. Congress needs to do their job.

No. Your body totally changes. I lost the weight and got rid of the baby bulge but could never wear the pants from pre-pregnancy due to hips.

Obviously, you have never been on the Universal Studio tour. If you like your illusions, then don't ever go.

With Russell, you would need to wash him first, of course.