
You are seriously calling a domestic violence victim who fled to avoid her attacker (or, as far as we know given that she has disappeared, was killed by him) a "coward"?

Wondering why this didn't merit an "idiot on the field" tag...

Would it even be possible to count the number of times Dana White has openly lied about his organization or its fighters in order to make himself look good?

He was just following his dads advice -'when you fall for a dame, you might as well hand her your balls'.

As a White Sox fan who also emulated what he saw other baseball fans do, I'm serving a ten year sentence.

And LGBT men and women choose to be LGBT? For the sake of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...

That White Chocolate video is in my favorites on YouTube.

It might also just be the fact that Green Bay still doesn't know how to defend an option play. No one will forget how Kaep ran all over them two years straight, and the Seahawks showed that it still worked against Green Bay. I'm not arguing against the evolution of the read-option, and it'll be fun to see how defenses

The picture of Gloria Allred would have been just perfect if she held the photo she was holding, oh about eight inches higher.

There wasn't much more to be done. The calls to penalize the team's revenue (PFT tossed up a percentage that would result in a $100 million fine, or something) wouldn't just effect Irsay, or the team. It would completely upset the ability of the Colts to function. As you put it, he did technically come down harder on

he can still watch at home

I ate a bunch of cocaine this morning, and that always puts me on the business side of things.

how dare he compete to the best of his ability? that's as bad as marrying two women and knocking them both unconscious!

I'm thinking it's a good chance of low tide.

The tide rolls slower in some places than others.

I think it's more commentary Samer believes Broussard is ALWAYS talking out his ass, while Jackie Mac is about as reliable a sportswriter as you'll ever come across.

Shouldn't this play have been blown dead once the helmet was off? A la the Leveon Bell non-TD run last year