
yeah...what? I think Prisco is horrible, but arguing that taking 15% chance over 19% chance of winning is "incredibly stupid" is an incredibly horrible hot take, itself. The argument on either side was pointless. All the people involved in this, myself included, just like to hear themselves argue...

filed under, "we don't have time for all the incompetence of sports officials"

I hope to God this stupid douche practices abstinence...for the rest of her life

it's amazing that you can tell the security details used to this shit who are actually calm, themselves, and the ones who aren't and go all Rambo on people....Levis stadium...

plus 15 other witnesses on record in actual grand jury testimony who said his hands were up...yes, there were all kinds of conflicting testimony, but don't be one of those people who says it was just Johnson with the "hands up" story

yes, even 76 for Rams could see it, but he was looking down...oh wait, no he didn't

i'll play even farther devil's advocate...he didn't see the damn thing in first place no matter what he was "celebrating"

it's only a matter of time before a mob mentality takes over and cops or security get jumped for something like this...especially where alchohol is being served

as I'm reading this, there seem to be no witness statements that completely agree with Darren Wilson...there are some discrepancies about details between "two camps", but Wilson testifies about stuff that neither confirm...and given timing of his "interrogation" a day later, seems his story fits "getting your story

every coach this happens to is Leon do the ST players not know a simple rule??

isn't this illegal? maybe not, but definitely a good way to get yourself kicked off jury duty, so kudos...

and the circle of douchebaggery is complete

Steve Kerr, the vulture of coaching

sure, it's ok to shoot an unarmed black man, but it's not ok to ram these fuckers off the road?

I'm a huge soccer fan and still love it when players clap for the fans after the game or when they're subbed off. I also like it when they slap their team's crest after scoring...but that's just me

why not Syracuse?

He implicitly accused Reed of leaking news of the abuse allegations to TMZ as a response to Howard's filing for full custody of the boy last Wednesday.

I really hope that doctor has to go before his state medical licensing board

"just answer the question, Claire" ... "yeah, Claire, answer the question"

I love AD, but this gif is more to do about Parsons than Davis