my name's Fred. I'm a man just like you...
my name's Fred. I'm a man just like you...
getting away with rape....hmmm....
corn fed....
the priest hopes 14
taken at face value your comment had a point until your last sentence. I will call it domestic violence because it was violent. Now, was it abuse? Neither of us truly know because this incident was just a snapshot in time, and neither of us know what else has or hasn't gone in the Rice household. That said, I'm…
i don't get that twitter i missing something?
was it a strike? technically the head of the bat went past the front of the plate.
curious, are those security personnel police?
remember their key offense if you're in that age group
before everybody screams padded hat, there are two things medically going on here. first, the actual impact on the skull which the padded hat may, may help reduce the risk of fracture, and, in this case given the location of the hit, prevent tear of middle meningeal artery. second, the concussion, which a padded hat…
ahhh, some of their games will be played after dark in the middle of the street....we've all been there...
was it his own money? according to his colleague it was money from the radio show, which is ESPN, I believe...
in other words, ESPN didn't want to piss off the golden goose...
at some point in time I'm sure Torre will try to command all players to shave....
I don't know why people continue to insist on comparing Wilson, Kaep, and Luck...until those QBs in the NFC West are forced to carry a team on their shoulders then just shut up...there is no comparison.
this is just as much about spiting an awful parent than the child...they deserved it...I hope that kid annoyed that mom all the rest of the fucking day..
what gets me is all of the "rage" against the NCAA over paying players what they're worth, and, yet, no one sees the analogies in our own everyday economy....
pretty big story...lead on Tiger struggling in his fuckin' space...
I don't know, I always manage to end up bent and broken....