
ginger joke +1

which is why if I were a young, up and coming football player, I'd do interviews with younger reporters and let them duke it out with PK in press...

not only are the "unwritten" rules of baseball completely stupid, so are some of the written rules...

the funny thing is, shouldn't this be the one thing that Rovell is good at???

chariots of fire, anybody??



yes, why should the corrupt FIBA make money?? Let it go back to the saints of NBA owners. In fact, lets go back to using NCAA kids and make money off their backs like....

where does ESPN find these guys?

funny thing is, if I'm Cleveland and no one else steps up then I'm thinking about lessening my offer...

these stripes make me look tall, right??

that looks great and all, but...isn't that considered shallow CF?? kind of weak...

I think the real question is, was that a standard mound placement??

uh oh, grandpa's off his meds again.

really? too soon?? he's not dead...

and Anderson Silva seems to have recovered in a decent amount of time, as well

I'm a Pacers fan, hoping for best for PG, and the team is seriously fucked this season...

looks like he was slapped by each their own, I guess...

this actually sounds like an excellent opportunity for UA for good will by sending the son some free shit....

and that's your prerogative to Lord over your household however you see fit