This is a fair point.
This is a fair point.
Following up a little movie you’ve never heard of called Get Out, Jordan Peele is working on another horror project…
Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?
I was actually with him and had no problem with his approach until this:
Every day he looks at her like it’s the first time he’s seen her. That’s just love, baby
be honest. is this you.
Carrie was entirely the worst the whole time and NONE OF US SAW IT! (you know who were also the worst? All the Friends. Related: do not re-watch older shows you used to love).
Don’t worry, I think that thinking Aiden was awesome, Carrie was a manipulative monster is the common wisdom. I don’t think they originally planned that, just they accidentally discovered after writing a few seasons “Woah... our heroine is actually a nasty piece of work, isn’t she? Ooops.”.
Dear Kellyanne,
Pretty disgusted with her cutesy “Kellyanne Conoway” name. I’d prefer “Shitspew McGarbageface.
I always got an asexual vibe off of her.
I call ThornyDick
Man, Taylor really has a type, and that type is “bland looking white guy.”
Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald.
Of course! I feel like with Trump you don’t need to come up with any Machiavellian reasons for anything. Dude is just desperate to appear like he belongs so he’ll just spout out whatever bullet points he skimmed earlier in order to impress whoever he’s talking too.
I swear to God I am going to lose my shit if Jill Stein sticks her mug out of the ground in 2020.
Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.
It’s the root explanation to everything - not mendaciousness so much as his being really, really stupid. I guarantee he didn’t think there was anything wrong with asking Comey to drop the Flynn probe; he’s too dumb to understand obstruction of justice.