A well fitting suit MADE IN CHINA!!!
A well fitting suit MADE IN CHINA!!!
Better idea: maybe stop greenlighting Guy Ritchie movies for a little while, and by “a little while” I mean “for the span of his natural life.”
Is this part of a concerted effort to appeal to the “working classes?”
Screw “Must-See TV.” Bring back “TGIF” from 1990.
I rewatched some Will & Grace a while back. I remember really liking the show when it was on, but it does not have lasting power. It felt aggressively unfunny, and dated in a way that is more awkward than charming. Not sure if a reboot would fix that stuff.
I think that we (the regular readers) are all very frustrated by people continuing to vote against their interests or not vote at all. What is the solution though? How do we get these people to wake up and get their heads out of their asses?
Chance the Rapper may have liked a very rude tweet, but I have no way of proving this.
Dead to me. She knows what she did.
Okay, where does it say she actually tried to run him off the road instead of following him to express her opinion when he stopped his car because he wouldn’t engage with her on campus?
I’m not really into condoning behavior like this. Regardless of the motivation. Sets a bad precedent.
I’m fairly sure her fee from George Soros can cover them!
Or if she voted.
Trump took that state at almost a 2:1 ratio over Clinton.
The good news is that, had he sustained injuries, he would still have top notch health insurance to ease the financial burden as he recovered ...?
What she did was shitty, but I do hope it gets him to thinking about how your health can change in an instant and sometimes that instant has nothing to do with how you’ve…
It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.
This is where protesting and anger against opponents goes too far.