Cylontater: Bowling Green Survivor

She did birth that baby, Saint is two. Chicago (the third one) was born this year via surrogate.

Chris Pratt is more insufferable the more I hear from him. RIP my crush on Andy Dwyer.

I laughed louder than I should have at that.

And Kingman even has “African-Americans applying for leadership positions with the city“

Because eleven would be gaudy.

The fate of the motion rests with Republican leadership

You know she’s devastated.

Now playing

Heart Attack” has been stuck in my head since I learned the news about Demi.

Are they still doing that Confederate show? God, I fucking hope not.

Let him keep talking. Make everything a matter of public record. I want him to shoot himself in the dick via twitter.

I love this!

God damnit.

Accurate and gross.

Oh, totally. But I want her to SAY THE WORDS.

Wow, what a garbage human.


I’m just going to sit here and wish they hadn’t killed Khal Drogo .

In the nearly 20-minute song

Paris Hilton has never had Botox or fillers or plastic surgery of ANY KIND.