Cylontater: Bowling Green Survivor

I’ve never seen Ben’s whole tattoo.

There better be a Ferguson cameo or two or I’m out.


Shit apples from the same shit tree.

Fuck Caitlyn, and fuck Piers Morgan too.

I wouldn’t kill anyone, but there are several people I’d punch in the face.

Legitimately cried scrolling through Chrissy’s Instagram today. What a good puppers, my heart breaks for her.

I love DeRay and have been following him in the years since Ferguson.

Something, something you gotta let it burn.

And Bekah was spilling some MARVELOUS tea last night.

Becca: I want you to leave

My bfs dog is the best dog in the world. I love her so much I cant stand it.

I’m here for it.

As someone who tweets everyday, Twitter is terrible.

Tired of not being surprised.


Miss Nancy needs to be fired.