Cylontater: Bowling Green Survivor

But I can say that I would be surprised if many women did not understand that there was a climate of verbal harassment that existed [at the Today Show]. It was verbal sexual harassment.”

A source says “it seems like [Lindsay Lohan] is trying to rebrand.”

Good. I’m glad he was finally charged. What a sick fuck.


Lemon is the best Starbust.

So unbelievably saddened by this.

Arie is a human Valium and as I said last night he looks like a Sim character and Ross from friends had a baby, but THIS:

Waka Flocka

I loved and hated this.

I was wondering the same thing.

Robert Pattinson and Emma Watson might be a couple

I am Charlotte Casitragblah and I am having Brad Pitts baby.

I mean...Kara tried too hard at everything or she didn’t try at all.

I hope Spurlock chokes on a Big Mac.

They’re pretending to be you now.

JFC the trolls these days are on some serious bullshit

dismissing immediately 


it me